Various Information

Store And Forward (Offline Functionality In B@NCS-24)

1. Introduction
2. Going Into Offline Mode
3. Logging In Offline Mode
4. Offline Transactions
5. Coming Back To Online Mode
6. Logging Off In Offline Mode
7. Store And Forward
8. Shadow Files
9. Example Of 1010 TXN During Offline
10. Summary
Store And Forward
Store and forward is the process of sending transactions that have been performed offline to the host. This can only be done once host connection has been restored and the B@NCS Link Server has been brought online. The Store and Forward screen can be accessed from the Main Menu.

Who can Perform Store and Forward 
There are no restrictions on who can perform Store & Forward, however, once a nominated Teller has opened up the store and forward screen, and then this functionality will not be available to any other teller. The teller performing the store and forward will do so for either all Tellers within their Branch, or just themselves. (This option is available only for user type 40, 50 and 60). Once user-type 40,50 or 60 has decided to do store and forward for all the tellers, it has to be ensured that all the tellers who have performed those transactions in offline mode are logged in. If this point is not followed all those transactions performed by tellers who aren’t logged in will fail and their status will change to offline-rejected.

The Store and Forward Screen

When you bring up the Store and Forward screen for user types 40, 50 and 60, you will
be presented with a screen as shown. These user types can either process their own
transactions or all the teller’s transactions.

If user selects the option “NO”, then he can perform only his transactions. If user selects the option “YES”, then he can perform all teller transaction.

Performing the Store and Forward
To commence posting to the host, click the Start button. This will commence sending
transactions to the Host. If this process needs to be interrupted, then the user may click
the Cancel button.

When clicked on Start button the transactions are posted to the host and a grid appears
which lists out the transactions posted and the status of the each transaction. The grid also
shows the status of the store and forward (finished or unfinished).

8. Shadow Files

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