Various Information

Going Into Offline Mode (Offline Functionality In B@NCS-24)

Going Into Offline Mode
Whenever connectivity to host is lost, the logged in user gets a message in the status bar “HOST APPLICATION IS UNAVAILABLE, PLEASE INFORM ADMINISTRATOR – Connection not Established”.

Authorizing Offline mode:
The offline mode has to be authorized by a user having user type 40,50 or 60. The process for authorizing offline is as follows:

User type 40,50 or 60 ==> Go to queue search screen and select Offline queue from queue type. Now click on execute and authorize the offline queue.

When supervisor has authorized the pending Offline queue, all the tellers would receive a message that the system is about to go offline.

The following would be changed during the mode change:

1. Status Bar
The current status of the B@NCSLink server will be shown on the status bar as “OFFLINE”.
2. Menu
The menu will be reloaded with the offline menu. This menu is a cut down version containing only the transactions, which are allowed during offline.
3. Tool Bar
There is no change in the tool bar buttons except for View and Download Exchange Rates. We can view the existing rates but cannot download the latest rates.

3. Logging In Offline Mode

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1 Comments For " Going Into Offline Mode (Offline Functionality In B@NCS-24) "

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