Statement printing utility - Procedure to print monthly statement report
Following are the steps to be carried out the branch person. Steps to extract the statement for selected accounts
- Go to start menu - > run .
- Type cmd and then press enter.
- Type F: on the command prompt and then press enter.
- Type cd utils and then press enter. Then you will see the command promt as F:\Utils>
- Find out the date in YYYYMMDD format where the Statement.txt(Month end Statement) is present.
- To get the statement for one account (For Ex 20000001980). type the following command and press enter
- To get the statement for range of account(For Ex 20000001980 TO 20000002000) type the following command and press enter
printstmt 20070131 20000001980 20000002000
- To get the statement till the END of the report from any given number type the following command and press enter
printstmt 20070131 20000001980 END
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